There are a significant number of brands and models of electric scooters on the market. With such a large choice, it is difficult to find a scooter that suits you. Even when finding the ideal model, it is possible to have unpleasant surprises when purchasing. This is why it is essential to test your device. If you cannot go to the store, Weebot offers you test articles to find out more about your future two wheels.

Who can ride an electric scooter?

Each model of electric scooter has been designed and designed to suit a wide audience. Whether you are teenagers or adults, you will inevitably find a model that suits you. The age range of electric scooter users is between 16 and 35 years old. These are generally students or adults in working life.

Electric scooters can appeal to you, whether you are a beginner, a speed enthusiast or a city dweller. You will be able to easily travel to your workplace or participate in sports competitions. Very useful for quick or long trips, the electric scooter will accompany you on your urban trips.

To fully enjoy your scooter, the best option is to buy a model that meets your expectations.

How does an electric scooter work?

My electric scooter is equipped with a motor running on alternating current. Thanks to its battery, generally made of lithium-ion, it can be recharged and can be driven over a defined distance. The power of a scooter varies depending on the model but also the components of the scooter.

The speeds of an electric scooter are managed by a cruise control or an acceleration control. This speed management will allow you to travel on different types of roads while facing obstacles on the road.

5 essential criteria to take into account when purchasing your electric scooter 

These criteria can come up in many scooter tests, which is why it is necessary to take them into account. Here are some important features to know before choosing your electric scooter:

    • Your use: what are you looking for in your electric scooter? What do you plan to do with it?
    • Comfort and safety: Is your scooter equipped with a system (anti-skid, lighting, braking)? Or, does it meet certain standards (watertightness, UL, RoHS, or even CE)?
    • The battery life of your scooter
    • The quality of the components of your scooter
    • The average speed of your scooter

We also recommend that you go to a store to be able to test it for yourself. You will also be able to obtain the opinion of a professional once there who can guide you towards a model that suits you.

Our articles on this subject  

If you want to know more about a particular brand, Weebot has a wide range of electric scooter reviews. This will allow you to form an opinion before purchasing your scooter. Here are the tests available on our site: