Thank you to the French and European media for this excellent media coverage. It is thanks to you that our technologies are becoming popular, allowing a real energy transition.


public senate logo PUBLIC SENATE - As long as it lasts - 03/23/2021

logo bfm paris tv BFM PARIS 08/01/2021

tv news 8 p.m. gilles birch tf1 TF1 TV News from 8 p.m. - 2020

BFM Culture Geek. 02/17/2018.

Diary of 19.45 M6. 3/11/2017.

Canadian TV. 15/11/2017.


02/2018 CAPITAL

02/2018 ECHOES

weebot, TPMP, don't touch my post, cyril hanouna, TPMP contact, hoverboard, media, channel 8, direct 8

the repley, the repley of the week, c star, CSTAR, d17, weebot, hoverboard, one wheel motorcycle, monoroue, Segway, gyroroue, gyroskate

Rover, one-wheel motorcycle, weebot motorcycle, hoverboard shop paris, eco-mobility, urban mobility
7-day TV, T7J, weebot, hoverboard, electric skateboard, paris, monoroue, Segway, electric bike

vsd, magazine, trend, weebot, hoverboard paris, electric skate paris, monoroue, Segway, electrically assisted bicycle